Revisit the unique world of Michael Jackson with exclusive archival footage, unseen private videos, and intimate stories from the people who knew him best.

About Righting HIStory

“Righting HIStory” is not merely another project for Taj Jackson; it is a deeply personal mission to cement the truth about his uncle, Michael Jackson.

Taj grew up witnessing firsthand the love, empathy, and humanitarianism that genuinely exemplified Michael’s character. Yet, even today, Michael Jackson’s legacy is unjustly plagued by malicious lies, false narratives and unfounded allegations.

“Righting HIStory” aims to finally set the record straight by presenting factual evidence, court documents, and personal stories from those who knew Michael best.

Join Taj on his journey to accurately present the real Michael Jackson while highlighting the profound positive impact Michael had on countless lives throughout the world.

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Facts don't lie

Discover the truth about the lies that have shadowed Michael’s legacy for over thirty years.

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    1993 Allegations

    1. Evan Chandler’s Plan: The 1993 allegations originated with Evan Chandler, the father of Jordan Chandler who aspired to be a screenwriter and saw Jackson as an opportunity to make that happen. When Jackson cut him off, and he, Jordan and June Chandler alike stopped talking to him, Evan devised a plan to blackmail Jackson by accusing him of molestation and coercing his son to do the same. There is mounting evidence that Evan coached Jordan to lie about the abuse.
    2. Initial Accusation Motive: Evan Chandler initially demanded $20 million from Jackson, for 4 screenplays, $5 million each, paid over a 4-year period. This was the terms that he first laid out to not go public with accusations, and Jackson refused.
    3. No Real Negotiation: After Evan’s initial monetary demand, Jackson’s PI, Anthony Pellicano offered $1 million to see how Evan would react. Evan rejected, expecting the counter would be much higher.  Instead, Pellicano offered only $350 000, attempting to gather evidence of more demands. On August 17, 1993, he recorded Evan’s lawyer Barry Rothman demanding more than $350 000 to focus on movies so Evan could scale back his dental practice. At this time Evan was willing to accept just $1 million, but Jackson refused that as well.
    4. Recorded Extortion Attempt: Evan Chandler was recorded discussing his plan to humiliate Jackson and “win big” while his son did not accuse Jackson of anything at all. Given the fact he demanded $20 million from Jackson, it’s clear he was referring to a large sum of money.
    5. Admission of Fabrication Claims: In Evan Chandler’s chronology, he inadvertently admitted that while he was pressuring his son to make allegations against Jackson, he fabricated sex acts between Jackson and his son, going into specific explicit detail that his son would later accuse Jackson of.  The only valid explanation is that Evan Chandler coached his son Jordan to lie about the abuse.
    6. Unspoken Details: Evan Chandler wrote a chronology specifying various details of the allegations which could not have come from Jordan Chandler, as they both have made statements that Jordan never shared details with his father.
    7. Detail In the Chronology: In Evan’s chronology, he alleged that Jackson masturbated Jordan six times in Monaco. Jordan himself did not claim this in his interviews. Instead, he said he masturbated six times after Jackson was no longer in contact with him.
    8. Jordan Echoed Evan: Further evidence of coaching emerged while Jordan was talking to Dr. Gardner on October 6, 1993, as he repeated his father’s talking points almost verbatim, despite claiming that they never spoke about the alleged abuse with each other, beyond just one short answer to Evan’s aggressive questioning on July 16, 1993.
    9. Contradictory Statements: Typical of those making false accusations, Jordan Chandler’s statements and descriptions of the alleged abuse were highly inconsistent, giving different details and sequence of events, depending on who was being spoken to.
    10. Witness to Jordan’s Admission: Jackson’s hairstylist, Carol LaMere revealed that while doing Jackson’s hair in his condo, she overheard a phone conversation between Jordan and Jackson, as the boy was crying on the phone and complained that he did not know why his father was making him do this.
    11. No Physical Evidence: The strip search of Michael Jackson did not match the description given by Jordan Chandler. The Linden affidavit makes it clear that Jordan described a circumcised penis, where Jackson’s autopsy confirms that he was not.
    12. No Substantiation from Other Children: Despite extensive investigations and interviews with numerous witnesses, such as Yoshi Whaley, Corey Feldman, Jonathan Spence, Brett Barnes who had sleepovers with Jackson as children, no pattern of abuse emerged. Despite aggressive efforts by police officers to level accusations against Jackson, all of them and their families reported positive and non-abusive interactions with Jackson. This lack of corroborating accusers weakened the credibility of the Chandler allegations.
    13. Independent Witness Accounts: Many independent witnesses, including Jackson’s staff, friends, and other children, provided consistent accounts that contradicted the Chandler allegations. These testimonies highlighted Jackson’s respectful and caring behavior towards children.
    14. No indictments: The prosecutor said two grand juries investigated the evidence against Jackson. If they had found sufficient evidence to indict him, they would have.
    15. False Claims by Former Disgruntled Employees: While hundreds of witnesses were interviewed, it was only disgruntled former employees who had previously been fired or sued for money who turned on Jackson during the 93-94 investigation. The media paid for their stories which were contradicted by the very boys they claimed to be victimized.
    16. Jordan Chandler Refusing to Testify Against Jackson: Jordan Chandler has refused to testify against Jackson at every opportunity, from the 1993 claim, the 2005 trial, and has refused to help Wade Robson and James Safechuck in their claims against Jackson.
    17. Police Investigation Results: The 1993 police investigation, including the search of Neverland Ranch and Jackson’s other properties, did not uncover any material that pointed to criminal activity. Any illegal item found would have resulted in charges and conviction.
    18. La Toya Jackson’s Recantation: La Toya Jackson initially supported her brother, then under heavy pressure from her abusive felon husband Jack Gordon, she was forced to turn against  him. Gordon threatened to kill both unless she would slander Michael. Later, when she managed to escape from Gordon, she admitted that she never believed Michael was guilty and only turned on him out of fear for their lives.
    19. Media Sensationalism: The media played a significant role in sensationalizing the allegations against Michael Jackson. They prioritized scandal over factual reporting, contributing to the public’s misperception of Jackson’s guilt.


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    1994 Settlement

    1. Strategic Legal Decision: If Michael Jackson had not settled the civil case in 1994, the civil proceedings would have taken place before the criminal trial. This would have severely disadvantaged Jackson’s defense strategy by revealing their arguments and tactics to the prosecution, allowing them to adjust and circumvent his defense.
    2. No Admission of Guilt: The settlement document explicitly stated that there was no admission of guilt from Michael Jackson and the Chandlers willingly signed it. An accuser and his parents whose objective are not obtaining money but justice would not do that.
    3. Civil Settlement Does Not Imply Guilt: Jackson only settled the civil case after the court ruled that he must testify in the civil case even if the criminal case was still in process, thereby forcing him to expose his defenses to the DA before the trial.
    4. Advice from Legal Counsel: Jackson’s legal team, including attorneys, advised him that settling the civil case was the best course of action to protect his rights for a fair trial and ensure a strong defense in a possible criminal trial.
    5. Focus on Criminal Defense: Innocent people can also be convicted, while a civil case can only lead to a monetary loss, at a criminal trial your freedom is at stake. By settling the civil case with the Chandlers, Michael Jackson’s legal team could concentrate on the criminal investigation, where the stakes included potential imprisonment. This strategic move allowed them to avoid distractions and better prepare for the more demanding criminal trial.
    6. Financial Considerations: Although the settlement amount sounds significant, money was not the issue for Jackson, he would have lost that $15 million in any case thanks to the combined effects of legal fees and loss of earning. He lost far more than $15 million as a result of the 2005 trial despite winning on all counts.
    7. Questionable Legal Strategy by Chandler’s Attorneys: In their book the Chandlers admitted that their goal was to get a “highly profitable settlement” and opposed to the criminal case preceding the civil one. They also got rid of Gloria Allred after she declared that Jordan was ready to testify in criminal court. They replaced her with Larry Feldman who from the start was focused on how to get Jackson’s money without having to prove anything at trial.
    8. Prolonged Media Attacks: The media was heavily biased against Jackson from the moment the allegations were publicized. A drawn-out civil trial would have kept the allegations in the media spotlight which would potentially influence public opinion and prejudicing the jury pool for the criminal trial.
    9. A No-Win Situation: One of the Chandlers lawyers, Robert Shapiro stated, “A trial for Michael Jackson is a disaster, he can’t win. Because even if he’s acquitted, when the public hears what this boy has to say, you will have no endorsements, you will have no contracts, you are virtually finished. If we say that, it is my belief we have control of the situation, we have the power.”  This clearly showcases that Jackson would not have been able to clear his name no matter the outcome, thus the argument that an innocent man would not settle but fight and win a trial to clear his name does not hold water here.
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    Bashir Special

    1. Forged Document: Martin Bashir used Jackson’s admiration for Lady Diana to convince him that Bashir was the right man to interview him. Bashir was later proven to use forged documents to deceive Diana, which got significant media coverage. What the media did not report is that Bashir also forged Jackson’s signature to ensure that he would not have the right to see the final cut, which Jackson wanted as a condition for giving the interview.
    2. Suggestive Selection: While filming his special, Bashir asked Jackson to invite kids he helped in the past. Jackson contacted Dave Dave who was burned at age 7 and Jackson supported him ever since, and the Arvizos, where he helped Gavin who was battling cancer but with whom he had not been in contact for years. Bashir decided to exclude Dave from the special and instead featured a scene with Gavin. This later allowed the Arvizos to make allegations against Jackson.
    3. The Sleepover: In the scene where Jackson is sitting with Gavin while discussing a sleepover with Bashir, it was manipulatively edited to suggest that Jackson molested Gavin. Bashir edited out information that Jackson made sure another adult, Frank Cascio, was also present in the room while he was with the Arvizo boys in Jackson’s private suite. He also omitted the fact that there was no contact between the Arvizos and Jackson for over a year prior to the interview.
    4. Pushing a Narrative: Martin Bashir built a sinister narrative through manipulative editing and overdubbing false impressions, while behind the scenes he shared multiple praises regarding Michael Jackson’s interaction with children, even saying it was “incredible” and “nothing short of a spiritually kind thing.”
    5. Jackson’s Explanation: Jackson provided more detailed explanations about sensitive topics, such as his relationships with children. He emphasized the innocence and non-sexual nature of these relationships, countering the negative insinuations made by Bashir. Outtakes showed Jackson expressing his genuine love for children in a non-sexual, paternal way.
    6. Rebuttal Video: In response to Martin Bashir’s special “Living with Michael Jackson,” Michael Jackson and his team produced a rebuttal video titled “The Michael Jackson Interview: The Footage You Were Never Meant to See.” This rebuttal video aimed to provide context and included longer unedited footage of interviews and conversations that were selectively edited or omitted in Bashir’s documentary. This provided a fuller picture of Jackson’s statements and actions.
    7. Positive Footage: It showed positive moments and Jackson’s charitable activities, which Bashir did not include. This helped to present a more balanced view of Jackson’s character and intentions.
    8. Behind-the-Scenes Footage: It featured behind-the-scenes interactions between Jackson and Bashir, revealing moments where Bashir appeared to be more understanding and supportive off-camera, contrasting with his on-camera portrayal.
    9. Shield Law: When Martin Bashir was asked about the various filming tactics to push a sinister narrative in the 2005 criminal trial against Michael Jackson, he hid behind the journalistic shield law to prevent himself from being forced to answer questions.
    10. Aiming to Deceit: Outtakes of Martin Bashir’s interview show Bashir reassuring Michael that he would not twist narratives as so many others in the press have in the past and spoke about how horrible the press has been towards Michael Jackson.
    11. Misleading Narration: Bashir’s voice-over commentary often framed Jackson’s actions and words in a suspicious or critical light, influencing viewers’ perceptions negatively. His commentary sometimes suggested inappropriate behavior without presenting balanced evidence or context.
    12. The Special Upset the Arvizos: When Bashir’s special aired not only Jackson but the Arvizos themselves were angry and wanted to refute Bashir’s false insinuation that Jackson molested Gavin. Gavin testified in court that he “didn’t like Martin Bashir after I found out what he was saying about Michael” and “I was angry at — kind of angry at Martin Bashir.”
    13. Editing Leads to Investigation: Bashir’s deceptive narrative about Gavin Arvizo was the reason why Tom Sneddon saw an opportunity to go after Jackson. This is something he wanted to do since 1994. Sneddon contacted the Arvizos, hoping they would accuse Jackson, which they did, but only after they realized they would not financially benefit from the rebuttal to the Bashir special and Jackson distancing himself from them.
    14. Absurd Timing: The Bashir Special created the most absurd set of allegations where the Arvizos claimed Jackson decided to molest Gavin only after the Bashir special aired and while he was being investigated by both Sneddon’s office, the media and the DCFS.
    15. Ethical Concerns: Bashir’s approach raised questions about journalistic ethics, including concerns about obtaining consent under potentially false pretenses and the overall fairness of his interview techniques. These actions led to widespread criticism of Bashir and his special, with many believing it unfairly damaged Jackson’s reputation.
    16. Accusations of Betrayal: Jackson and his team accused Bashir of betraying Jackson’s trust by presenting a misleading and sensationalized narrative, contrary to the assurances given during the filming process.
    17. Bashir’s True Thoughts: After Michael’s passing, Bashir released a statement expressing how he was deeply saddened by the news and stated, “The truth is that he was never convicted of any crime, I never saw any wrongdoing myself; and whilst his lifestyle may have been a bit unorthodox, I don’t believe it was criminal.”
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    2005 Trial

    1. Inconsistent Testimonies of the Arvizo Family: The accusers’ testimonies were filled with contradictions. For instance, the number of times Gavin Arvizo claimed to have been molested changed on five occasions, starting with “five instances” and ending at trial with “two”.
    2. No DNA Evidence: No physical evidence was found to support the claims of molestation. Despite extensive searches, there was no DNA or any other physical evidence that linked Jackson to the alleged crimes.
    3. Financial Motives of the Arvizo Family: The Arvizo family had a history of false accusations for personal gain and had previously accused a JC Penney guard of sexual abuse for a larger monetary settlement. They also accused David Arvizo of sexual abuse during Janet’s and David’s divorce procedure. In both cases Janet Arvizo coached her kids to support the allegations.
    4. Witnesses Testifying for Jackson: Numerous witnesses testified that they never saw any inappropriate behavior from Jackson. These included former employees, friends, and celebrities who spent significant time at Neverland.
    5. Misleading Timeline by Prosecutors: The prosecution presented a timeline of alleged events that didn’t align with documented evidence, such as phone records, travel documents, and receipts.
    6. Discredited Witnesses: Several key witnesses for the prosecution, including former Neverland employees, were found to have sold stories to tabloids and had financial disputes with Jackson, discrediting their testimonies.
    7. No Child Pornography Found: Despite thorough searches, no child pornography was found at Jackson’s residence, a fact that experts say would be unusual for someone allegedly involved in such activities.
    8. The Jury’s Verdict: After hearing all the evidence, the jury found Michael Jackson not guilty on all 14 counts, which included charges of molestation and conspiracy to commit child abduction, false imprisonment, and extortion.
    9. Jackson’s Generosity and Philanthropy: Michael Jackson was known for his generosity and extensive philanthropic efforts. He hosted thousands of underprivileged children at Neverland Ranch, which was often portrayed as a sanctuary for children rather than a place of harm. All interaction between Jackson and Gavin prior to the Bashir special was to help Gavin through his cancer, the notion that the intention was to groom him is unfounded considering that Jackson had stopped contact with the entire Arvizo family prior to any alleged abuse.
    10. Misleading Editing in Bashir Special: The Martin Bashir special, which was pivotal in reigniting scrutiny of Jackson, was found to have been edited misleadingly. Outtakes showed Jackson expressing his genuine love for children in a non-sexual, paternal way.
    11. False Claims by Janet Arvizo: Janet Arvizo, the accuser’s mother, made several false claims, including allegations of being held hostage, which were disproved by receipts, multiple witness testimonies, and the Neverland Ranch guest logbook. The family freely went shopping, socialized, and did various activities during the period they claimed to be imprisoned.
    12. No Credible Witnesses to Support Abuse Claims: Key witnesses brought by the prosecution were discredited during cross-examination, many having financial motives or a history of disputes with Jackson, undermining their credibility.
    13. Contradictory Statements by the Arvizo Boys: The Arvizo boys gave contradictory statements about the alleged abuse, both in court and during police interviews, further weakening the prosecution’s case.
    14. No Physical Evidence: Despite thorough searches of Neverland Ranch and other properties, authorities found no physical evidence (such as DNA, fibers, or bodily fluids) to support the allegations of sexual abuse.
    15. Forensic evidence: The Arvizos claimed that Jackson showed them adult magazines. Fingerprints of Jackson, Star and Gavin Arvizo were found in certain magazines. However, at trial witnesses testified that the Arvizo boys had the habit of rummaging through their hosts’ belongings and going in rooms they were not supposed to. Star Arvizo was caught with a magazine too, since he did not allege Jackson gave it to him, he had to steal it from his room. The Arvizos looked at the magazines when Jackson was not in the room.
    16. Lack of Witness Credibility: Many prosecution witnesses, including former employees who testified against Jackson, had previously filed lawsuits against him or sold stories to tabloids, suggesting financial motives and bias.
    17. Testimony of Michael Jackson’s Friends: Close friends of Michael Jackson, including Macaulay Culkin and Brett Barnes, who testified under oath that they spent time alone with Jackson and were never abused, directly contradicting the prosecution’s narrative.
    18. Gavin Arvizo’s Prior Inconsistent Statements: Gavin Arvizo had previously praised Michael Jackson and denied any inappropriate behavior in interviews before the allegations surfaced, which was highlighted during the trial.
    19. Defense Witnesses’ Testimonies: Defense witnesses, including Jackson’s former employees and security staff, testified about the Arvizo family’s opportunistic behavior and inconsistencies in their stories.
    20. Prior Allegations Disproven: The defense effectively discredited prior allegations brought up by the prosecution, showing patterns of false claims and unreliable witnesses who had previously lied for monetary benefits.
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    FBI Files

    1. No Illegal Material: After the raids on Michael Jackson’s properties in 2003, multiple computers and 16 hard drives were forensically examined by the FBI. Nothing incriminating was found with no record of accessing or searching illegal material.
    2. Cooperation with Local Authorities: The FBI looked into various allegations of child molestation, which were brought forward by different individuals over the years. The FBI assisted local law enforcement agencies in investigating these allegations but did not find any substantiating evidence.
    3. International Inquiries: The investigation also included inquiries into claims made internationally, none of which resulted in evidence that supported criminal charges against Jackson.
    4. No Usable Evidence: With the various work the FBI did, there was no evidence that the prosecutors could use against Jackson through the 93/94 investigation or the 2005 trial.
    5. A Made-Up Story from a Court Proven Liar: The FBI investigated a claim by Victor Gutierrez that Jackson molested two Mexican boys and the investigation was covered up. The files show that there was never such an investigation in the first place. In 1998 Gutierrez lost a libel case against Jackson.
    6. Disgruntled Employees: In 1993 law enforcement travelled to the Philippines to interview Mark Quindoy and his wife who were suing Jackson for overtime pay at that time and were shopping stories about him and boys to the tabloid media. The files include articles about the visit. The Quindoy’s lack of credibility was exposed in the 1994 PBS documentary Tabloid Truth.
    7. Another Baseless Claim: The files include tabloid articles about Terry George’s allegations. No supporting evidence was found, and George had no interest in testifying against Jackson, he did, however, have interest in being friends with Jackson long after he sold his allegations to tabloids.
    8. False Innuendo about Brett Barnes: The FBI files include a statement by a supposed social worker insinuating wrongdoing by Jackson against a boy. While the boy goes unnamed in the files, other evidence shows that it was Brett Barnes, as the two along with Jackson’s security travelled on a train from Chicago to California in 1992. Nothing came of this story, the files only include the statement not any evidence to back them up, and Brett Barnes has always maintained that Jackson treated him with respect and nothing untoward ever happened.
    9. Conclusion: The released documents underscored the complexity and high-profile nature of the allegations but reinforced that the investigation did not find any concrete evidence to corroborate the accusations against Jackson.
    10. Death Threats: Throughout Michael Jackson’s life, he had to face numerous extortion attempts and death threats. In 1992, the FBI gathered letters that included a threat to Michael’s life. In one of the letters, a stalker named Frank Paul Jones stated the following: “I will personally attempt to kill if he doesn’t pay me my money.”  Jones was eventually arrested for trespassing onto the Jackson family compound in Encino, California.
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    Leaving Neverland

    1. Inconsistent Timeline in Safechuck’s Claims: James Safechuck claimed he was abused between 1988 – 1992 and he repeated this sentiment 9 times for over a decade. He claimed the alleged abuse stopped in 1992 when he was 14 years old, and Jackson replaced him with a younger boy because he was too old.  He elaborated into a story of alleged abuse in a room upstairs in the Neverland train station. The Neverland station was not built until 1994, two years after the alleged abuse ended, making his timeline impossible.
    2. Robson’s Changing Testimony: Wade Robson testified under oath in 2005 that Michael Jackson never molested him. He only changed his story years later, after failing to secure work from the Michael Jackson Estate.
    3. Contradictory Grand Canyon Story: Wade Robson’s mother, Joy Robson, testified twice that her  family went on a trip to the 1990 Grand Canyon. In 2016 she was specifically asked if that included her two kids too, she said yes. In 1993 she stated that before 1993 Wade had never been to the ranch without her. This contradicts Wade’s claim that he was left alone with Jackson at Neverland in 1990 February.
    4. Lack of Mention of All Dismissals in Court: “Leaving Neverland” did not disclose that both Robson’s and Safechuck’s late creditor claims and lawsuits were dismissed by the court. It also did not mention how the two lied to circumvent the statute of limitations. It was clear through the legal proceedings that judge Beckloff and later by judge Young both found their claims very troublesome. Regarding one of Robson’s lies Beckloff even stated, “no rational trier of fact could possibly believe Robson’s sworn statements”
    5. No Financial Motive Disclosed: The film failed to mention that both Robson and Safechuck had significant financial motives, having filed multimillion-dollar lawsuits against Jackson’s estate. Robson only filed his claim after he did not get a job to work on a project created by the Michael Jackson estate. Safechuck only accused Jackson after his parents’ company was sued for significant damages.
    6. There is No Evidence of Coercion or Threats: Robson and Safechuck both claimed they were coerced into silence by Jackson, but there is no credible evidence or witnesses to support these claims.
    7. Robson’s Continued Praise of Jackson: After Jackson’s death, Robson continued to praise him publicly and worked on projects to honor Jackson, contradicting his later claims of associating Jackson with horrible trauma and Jackson’s music triggering him.
    8. Contradicted by Other Witnesses: Numerous people who were close to Jackson as kids, including Brett Barnes and Macaulay Culkin, testified before and came forward after Leaving Neverland aired to reiterate that they spent significant time with Jackson and were never abused, directly contradicting Robson’s and Safechuck’s allegations.
    9. Documented Financial Struggles: Robson faced significant financial difficulties before making his allegations, including struggling to secure jobs in the entertainment industry, suggesting a possible motive for his claims.
    10. Misleading Editing in “Leaving Neverland”: The film edited statements and timelines to create a more compelling narrative, such as using footage from different time periods to falsely suggest a continuous relationship and grooming by Jackson.
    11. Fabricated Stories Similar to Fictional Works: Many details in Robson’s and Safechuck’s stories, such as the “mock wedding” and Jackson showing Safechuck “foreign books” closely resemble ideas and scenarios from Victor Gutierrez’s discredited, fictional pro-pedophilia book.
    12. Documented Positive Relationship Post-Abuse: Neither Robson nor Safechuck wanted to stay away from Jackson during or after the alleged abuse or showed any sign of abuse that child sexual abuse victims typically show.  Robson had publicly and privately spoken highly of Jackson on multiple occasions going so far as to name Jackson as one of the reasons he believed in a pure goodness of humankind.
    13. Behavior Inconsistent with Trauma: While Wade Robson paints Neverland Ranch as a place he associates with pain and trauma, he not only continued to visit the property, he also asked Michael Jackson’s assistant if he could have his wedding at Neverland Ranch. Both Robson and Safechuck visited the ranch well after the alleged abuse for no other reason but to have fun.
    14. Safechuck’s Claims of Isolation: Safechuck alleged that Jackson isolated him from his family and friends, but there is ample evidence showing that Jackson encouraged family visits and had many people around him, contradicting the isolation claim.  Along with family and various others Safechuck was around while on tour, various vacations, and at Neverland, he stated that Jackson even welcomed Safechuck’s best friend Luke to join him at Neverland.
    15. False Narrative of Brett Barnes and Macaulay Culkin: Leaving Neverland strongly implied that Brett Barnes and Macaulay Culkin were also victims, but both have consistently denied any abuse. In response to the film Barnes lawyer sent a letter to HBO, where it states, “Mr. Barnes still considers him [Michael Jackson] to have been one the best friends he has ever had. That you would produce a film strongly implying that Mr. Barnes was sexually abused by one of his best friends is outrageous. That no one even attempted to contact Mr. Barnes to ask about such accusations is beyond the pale.”
    16. Inconsistent Lawsuits: Robson’s and Safechuck’s creditor claims and lawsuits against Jackson’s companies contained numerous inconsistencies and changing narratives, weakening their credibility and the validity of their claims. Both Safechuck and Robson repeatedly amended their complaints, making alterations to specifically answer the issues the judge would have with his complaint.
    17. Brandi Jackson’s Relationship with Wade: After the release of Leaving Neverland, Jackson’s niece Brandi Jackson spoke out against Wade’s story “Wade and I were together for over 7 years, but I bet that isn’t in his “documentary” because it would ruin his timeline. And did I mention, it was my uncle, Michael Jackson, who set us up? Wade is not a victim, Wade Robson Is a Liar”
    18. Unmentioned Legal Rulings: Several legal rulings and motions filed by Jackson’s estate and defense teams that highlighted the inconsistencies and fabrications in Robson’s and Safechuck’s claims were omitted from the film.
    19. Lack of Prior Allegations from Other Guests: Thousands of children visited Neverland Ranch over the years, including many who spent significant time alone with Jackson. The vast majority of these individuals, now adults, have never made any allegations of inappropriate behavior. The notion that Jackson built Neverland Ranch to “lure” children to the property to abuse them is implausible considering the sheer number of children and families that have stayed at the property and only a few accused him of doing anything inappropriate between 1988 – present, while so many others steadfastly defend Jackson.

- Michael Jackson

The Humanitarian

In the year 2000, Michael was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for the “Most Charities Supported by a Pop Star.” However this remarkable achievement, the result of a lifetime of tireless dedication, remains a little-known fact, often overshadowed by years of sensationalized fiction.

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The Humanitarian

Oxford languages defines a HUMANITARIAN as someone that is “concerned with, or seeking to promote human welfare” and after researching Michael Jackson’s life for more than 3 decades, I found no word that was more fitting for him than “Humanitarian.”

In the year 2000, he was listed into the Guinness book of world records for breaking the world record for the “Most Charities Supported by a Pop Star.“ An achievement that was accomplished by a lifetime of tireless dedication, yet a little-known fact that has been overshadowed by years of fiction.

Rising from humble beginnings, the importance of kindness and giving back to one’s community was a value instilled in Michael Jackson and his siblings at a very young age by their parents, whilst growing up in Gary, Indiana in the 1960’s.

As his profile rose to becoming the world’s most successful entertainer in the 1980’s, so too, did Michael Jackson’s humanitarian endeavors.

He toured the world many times over and visited hospitals, orphanages and schools in the poorest communities more often than performing concerts. As corporate sponsors were offering millions of dollars to Michael for his time, he opted instead to spend his time visiting these hospitals, orphanages and schools and from accounts from those that were there at the time, he patiently and authentically took his time to learn about the illnesses, lifted spirits and made numerous donations, both monetary, toys and gifts and initiated renovations and upgrades to many of the poorer facilities.

In the 1990’s Michael Jackson created the “Heal the World Foundation.”

The purpose of the charity was to provide medicine to children and fight world hunger, homelessness, child exploitation and abuse all around the world.

While Michael continued to spend his time in the 1990’s touring the world, visiting hospitals, orphanages and schools, his Heal the world foundation was also working to provide food, medicines and essential survival items to the poorest and war-torn areas of the world that he couldn’t visit personally.

At the same time, Michael’s home; Neverland Valley Ranch was also being utilized by many charities and underprivileged groups, both when he was home and when he was away. Neverland staff have spoken of many, many not-for-profit groups and underprivileged families visiting the grounds and enjoying free rides, feasts and barbeques, even more often than Michael himself.

Evidence of Michael Jackson’s humanitarian endeavors are not just isolated to charity donations, hospital, orphanage and school visits, exporting of food and essential items to poor and war-torn countries or even opening the gates to his home to anyone in need.

Within my thirty years of research, I found countless stories of general acts of kindness extended to everyone that Michael came into contact with. This wasn’t a phase and was ingrained in to Michael’s values throughout his life, right up until his passing.

Although some reports might suggest that Michael Jackson donated over $500 million to charities during his lifetime, I am more inclined to estimate his monetary donations to be well over $5billion, with 20% of his posthumous earnings still going to charity to this day.

But what’s more important is the intangible effects Michael’s humanitarian efforts had on the world.

The hope he gave to the terminally ill, so they would hang on just a little longer.

The smiles he gave to seniors and soldiers and guests that enjoyed his Neverland ranch.

The joy in a sick or underprivileged child’s eyes, when the biggest star in the world held their hand and listened to their story.

Many of Michael’s acts of humanitarianism will never be known publicly, as he never publicized the acts in the belief that they were worth more if done in private, but I have done my best to document and will continue to document these acts in my book and podcast “Humanitarian – The Real Michael Jackson.”

– Paul Dwyer

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    Positive media

    Encourage Positive Media Representation

    Advocate for fair and balanced media representation of Michael Jackson. Contact media outlets to correct inaccuracies and request more positive coverage of his life and contributions.

  • Love
    Remember the love

    Remember the Love

    Always remember that the vast majority of the world loves and appreciates Michael Jackson. Statistics and his enduring popularity prove this. Let this knowledge bolster your efforts to spread positivity.

  • Newspaper
    Stay informed

    Stay Informed and Updated

    Keep yourself updated with the latest news and developments related to Michael Jackson. Being well-informed allows you to counter misinformation effectively and share accurate information.

  • Charitable
    Promote his kindness

    Promote His Charitable Work

    Highlight Michael Jackson’s extensive charitable work and humanitarian efforts. Sharing stories of his generosity and kindness can help shift the narrative towards a more positive and truthful representation of his character.

  • Stream

    Support Michael’s Music and Videos

    Stream Michael Jackson’s music to help with chart positions and stats. This keeps his legacy alive and introduces new generations to his iconic work. Watching his music videos on YouTube, particularly “Thriller” and “Smooth Criminal,” can help them each reach a billion views, a milestone that is not only newsworthy but also further solidifies his status as the greatest entertainer of all time.

A message from Taj Jackson

Ever since I was in my 20’s, my uncle and I would constantly push each other to never give up on the dream of one day making films. It was one of the strongest bonds we shared. Later on my uncle even wanted to partner up with me on making movies together. In fact, the very last words he ever said to me were… ”After this we’re doing films.” I will never forget the look in his eyes when he said that to me. I can still close my eyes today and relive that moment. Unfortunately, we never got to fulfill our dream of directing film together. My uncle was taken from the world soon after.

So here I am, now 50 years old, manifesting that “directing” dream for the both of us. In fact, I am the exact same age my uncle Michael was when he said those last words to me. And not only am I choosing a subject that I know a lot about, I am choosing a subject that I truly loved. There is no way to even measure the huge impact he had on my life.

So here is my message to MJ.

“Uncle Michael, I can finally give you something back for all the amazing memories you gave me during your lifetime. This project is my unique gift to you, coming directly from my heart and soul.

This project is my way of fulfilling our promise, a dream we both shared, and a way to honor your incredible legacy.

It’s time to right your story.”


  • Brett Barnes announces his close involvement in Righting HIStory

    June 25, 2024

    Brett Barnes, a close personal friend of Michael Jackson and long time friend of Taj Jackson, has officially joined the Righting HIStory production team.

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